I feel sO eXcitEd tO know mOre about TOPOLOGIES whEn Dr Zaidi startEd the lEctUre tOday….T.O.P.O.L.O.G.I.E.S…sUch a unic name… ! ;)
What is TOPOLOGIES?????
netwOrk tOpOlOgiEs is a nEtwOrk can be arranged or cOnfigured in several different ways. This arrangement is called the network’s topology….
6 basic categories of NT represent the past and present….
The past NT still can be found today but have been replaced in large part by newer…
1. Bus nEtwOrk….
· each device is connected tO a cOmmOn cable called a bus or back-bOne…nOt james bOnd… ;) (; and all cOmmunicatiOns travel along this bUs…
2. Ring nEtwOrk….
· each device is cOnnected to 2 other dEvices, fOrming a ring….when a message is sEnt, it is passed arOund the ring until it reaches the intended destination….
The present represented by 4 NT that are widely used tOday….
3. Star nEtwOrk…
· Each device is cOnnected directly tO a cEntral netwOrk switch.
· Whenever a nOde sends a message, it is rOutEd to the switch, which thEn passes the message alOng to the intended recipient.
· The star nEtwOrk is the mOst widely used netwOrk tOpOlOgy tOday.
4. Tree network….
· Each device is connected to a central node, either directly or through one or more other devices.
· The central node is connected to two or more subordinate nodes, and so forth, forming a treelike structure.
· Also known as a hierarchical network is often used to share corporatewide data.
5. Hybrid network.
· Is a cOmbinatiOn of different topologies.
· Example: large organizations today typically have a complex network of smaller networks. These smaller networks have been create over time and use a variety of different topologies.
· Connected together, these smaller networks form a hybrid network.
6. Mesh network.
· The newest type and does not use a specific physical layout
· Requires that each node have more than one connection to the nodes.
· The resulting pattern forms the appearance of a mesh.
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